
Blogging, I miss you

(my sis and I after finishing the Palo Alto Moonlight 10k Race)
post to come later

Hey loves,

So sorry for being M.I.A. I've been attempting to find a happy medium between my new life as a responsible adult in the work force and having fun in between. So far I'm sad to report that I haven't been very successful. I've either been barely "making it" to the next day or feeling like I've been run over by a large truck. Everything else in my life seems to have taken a backseat to anything reminiscent of sleep. This includes everything I'd rather be doing, blogging being one of many. However, the one thing that has kept me sane throughout this process has been my daily runs. No matter how tired I am, it's something that I cannot end my day without. I treat it like another part of my hygiene routine- and compare it to the act of brushing my teeth. Like my running routine, I know I have to slowly integrate the things I love back into my life without letting the mundane beat of the daily grind get in the way. I'm going to add blogging to my hygiene regime and see how it goes. Like all things in life, I'm sure it'll get easier.

I bet a lot of you are thinking "oh cry me a river!" and you're right. I should do less crying and more doing.

So to all my working ladies- How do you do it? I'll take any advice I can get!


1 comment:

  1. Nice job on the race girl! Looking forward to more of your posts! But it's okay to take a break though. I'm sure it takes time to get used to becoming a working adult.


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