
let's be friends!

A few weeks ago, I took part in a swap hosted by the lovely Stacey of  love and photographs.  I had a blast putting together a little package of my favorite things for my new blog friend EmileeA couple days after we received news of our partners, she sent me a sweet and hilarious email introducing herself, and at that moment, I knew we would be great blog friends :)  The package she sent to me definitely did not disappoint: 

the mixed CD is all I listen to in my car now (track #19- "Every little thing she does is magic" is my absolute favorite), thanks to the buxom lipgloss, I am now running around with Angelina Jolie-esque lips, and the book "the language of letting go" has some of the most beautiful meditations and is definitely a must read for those of us who want to learn how to thoroughly enjoy life without letting all the trivial stuff get in the way.  Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your awesome package, I loved everything about it ! 

As for what I sent to her, I was in the middle of finals during our swap, so I didn't get to explain the madness of my random package.  Now that the ruckus is over, I can finally give a proper explanation for everything.  Emilee, if you're reading this... my sincerest apologies for making you wait so long!!! Here goes...

1. A stack of my favorite homemade cookies that can make almost any bad day better ... I PROMISE!!! 
2. One of my favorite beeswax candles. Your home will smell like you just walked into Anthropologie.
3. A makeup pouch for stashing all your beauty needs on the go.  ( I stick mine in my purse to avoid everything getting lost in that "black hole")
4. A swallow necklace I purchased at a craft fair in San Francisco.  The artist is a seller on Etsy, but I unfortunately lost her card :(
5. An eco-friendly eye-mask for serene, refreshing naps.  You will feel rested and ready to go again in minutes!
6. Burts Beeswax lip balm.  Keeps lips soft and especially kissable ;)
7. A sassy shade of nail polish for a night out, or even just for fun.

I hope you enjoyed everything thus far! I'm so glad that I was able to meet you through this swap :)

Blog friends for life!



1 comment:

  1. Hey Melissa! I did see your swap goods a week ago and thought it was so funny how we sent 3 items that were the same! We have good tastes :) Great to meet you and look forward to reading your blog more!


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