
Put a smile on my face

Went outside after hastily grabbing a coffee from Starbucks to find none other than a huge rainbow in the middle of one of the many torrential thunderstorms that have graced the Bay Area this past week. Coffee in hand, I fumbled around for my camera, took a couple shots and enjoyed the beautiful scene. It lasted a mere two minutes, but put a big smile on my face. Funny how all the beautiful things in life are so fleeting.


  1. :) Rainbows are one of the prettiest things to see. I wish we had more of them in Seattle.

  2. But you were able to capture it...though fleeting! That's what's life is all about, the important thing is you were able to smile even for such a short time. xoxo

  3. Rainbows are a great pick me up!

    ...stopping by from SITS...

    Steph @ A Grande Life

  4. Well, now it's yours to keep forever. Thank goodness for that cam of yours, now you can treasure that scenery every time you feel down. =)

  5. I am so glad you had a camera to capture it. It is beautiful. Stopping by from SITS!

  6. Rainbows are such a pick-me-up! Beautiful!

  7. Did you try to find the pot of gold? I always wondered about those.


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